Savor Lent Savor Life 2013

Being Present | Savor Life, Day 9

“Then the Lord said to him, “Take off the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” – Acts 7:33

I’ve become defenseless against I should…, need to…, and am left to sink into this day, and my current state of being. I am at home, sick, day two. I’ve slept nearly 36 hours. The incongruity of my mind and will wanting to respond to daily responsibilities, while my body simply has no energy is a challenge. Walking up the stairs or a sip of tea takes effort.

Being present day 9 icicleThe theme today is being present. In addition to exercising gentleness with my body, I’m noticing: a gorgeous young moose visits each morning, gnawing on bushes and trees. I’ve seen his prints in the snow, and I now know the moose is a he: this morning gazing at him, the little bulging buttons where his horns or antlers will grow are visible, above his eyes near his temples. The sun rises further north along the horizon each day, and from the roof line, a 20 inch icicle grows toward the upper deck. Morning light beams reflected the frozen water, capturing my attention. As I write, the icicle lengthens; with no perceptible movement, similar to the moose antler growth. The surrounding trees stand still, a Raven flies by.

Being present means becoming fully awake, standing in time and place, recognizing that this and here is holy ground. Being present is not a static state; it is full immersion in current time, however alive, emboldened, miserable, or asleep we might feel. Do you believe it is possible that more might be happening than we have a capacity to take in, especially when we are moving too fast, or carry preconceived or misinterpreted notions of what is?

Today, slow down. Take your time. Notice one person, thing, image, or conversation that captures your attention–and respond.

Today I will savor in my heart ... possibility.

“Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7-8

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3 thoughts on “Being Present | Savor Life, Day 9

  1. Pingback: Savor | Day 11 | New Fields

  2. Pingback: Savor Lent, Savor Life, 2013 online daily pause | New Fields

  3. Pingback: Savor Lent, Savor Life, 2013 daily life retreat | New Fields

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